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7 learning styles
Many of us have experienced the boredom of the practice studio. That never-ending drip of time reminiscent of Chinese water torture.

The ability to concentrate and stay focused for extended periods of time is a skill that is practiced. We call it study. It’s a conscience awareness of subject matter we are learning.

Most people take learning for granted. They rarely take notice of how they themselves as individuals learn. We don’t like to think of ourselves as being different from others. But, we are. When it comes to learning people can be as different as night and day. It is important for us to realize these differences are not good or bad. They’re just different. These differences make up who we are and guide us through that never-ending journey called life.

Part of finding who “we are” is discovering how we learn.

Scientist’s have mapped 7 learning styles that we as individuals use to acquire knowledge. These learning styles along with the use of our senses allow us to develop skills, remember facts, create thoughts, and provide ourselves with memories.

Each and every learning style is based on our likes and dislikes. None of us is wrong in our learning preferences. No other person can choose for us how we as individuals learn. In order for us to be able to take full advantage of our learning capabilities we must discover and accept our learning preferences.

This doesn’t mean we are to ignore certain learning styles simply because we have our preferences. Certain learning styles will have advantages over others depending on what we need in order to learn.

You can read a book about the fundamentals of hitting a baseball, but without putting a baseball bat in your hands and swinging at some pitched balls, you’ll never learn how to hit a baseball. More so, without practice we will never hit well.

Remember this, knowing how to do something, and knowing how to do something well is a separate learning process. The learning styles needed for success can be very different, and not of preference.

I’m sure you’re wondering by now what are these learning styles. Here goes.

These are bulleted for reference not for preference:

Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.

Aural (auditory-musical). You prefer using sound and music.

Verbal (linguistic). You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.

Physical (kinesthetic). You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.

Logical (mathematical). You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.

Social (interpersonal). You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.

Solitary (intrapersonal). You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

As you examine these learning styles it’s important to remember and note these are your preferences. How we learn is decided by how we use all of these learning styles. In other words, if you do not like spending time using your body, hands, and sense of touch to learn how to hit a baseball well, don’t plan on becoming a professional baseball player.

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